EPIC Photo Trip 2020 - Day 3
Well Day 3 is complete and what a day. Well still trying to get used to the 10 hour time difference, but I got up anyways. We headed to the corner grocery store to turn in our plastic bottles; Finland is very much into recycling and it shows. Well we made enough to get a couple pastries and still got money back, so it was worth it. After that we headed out to see what kind of trouble we could get into. Since the sun doesn’t come out very much here the first trouble we met was the chilling cold outside. We drove around to get some pictures and while I was minding my own foreigner business taking pictures this old couple walks up to me and continues to carry on a full-blown conversation with me, in Finnish. Of course, Cliff was too far to save me so I stood there and stared at them as they continued to talk. Now I know how my friends growing up felt when they came to my house and my Portuguese speaking grandma chatted them up. As I stood there with this stupid look on my face I’m sure they were thinking, is this guy slow? Where is his guardian? Finally, Cliff walks up and takes over the conversation; I didn’t know what either one of them were talking about, but turns out Cliff was pretty lost too so I didn’t feel so bad. He got by and got rid of them so it all worked out in the end.
Then we decided to head downtown to buy Cliff a beanie. I’ll give you one guess where we parked; yup in the same spot we have been parking this entire trip. Honestly, this town is huge, but apparently everything we needed is located next to this parking spot. After realizing the store, we went to was more like a Nordstrom and not like a Walmart we decided to leave and head to the mall. Of course, as soon as we got there people wouldn’t stop talking to me in Finnish. I tried to ask Cliff how to say “sorry I don’t speak Finnish”, but honestly, it’s easier to just stare at them and look stupid. As we walked around I wondered why people kept looking at us and I kept thinking “can they tell we are foreigners?” then I noticed everyone who lives there is wearing glove, hat, and a down jacket and then there is Cliff and I in our jeans and hoodie… Ya maybe we do look like tourists?
After leaving the mall we went in search for the historic liha piirakaa, Cliff has been talking about them since we planned this trip. Well after driving around in circles for an hour we finally found the last surviving liha piirakaa vender in town. After which we decided a nap at 1 pm was the best option for now.
After waking up from a much-needed power nap we headed to meet Cliff’s friend Matti for a photo shoot. Matti was a fantastic host and lined up a great model; Stina.
I have many pictures to edit, including this one above and things to post, but right now my bed is calling me so ill have to stop there. Tomorrow we start our plans for heading to Rome and I cant wait! Thanks for stopping by and come back tomorrow.