Day 2 of Our EPIC Photo Trip

July 17, 2016  •  1 Comment

Hello and welcome back! Thanks again for checking out our blog and our adventure.

Well to continue our story; we woke up this morning at 3am and packed the car to head back to Mono Lake. The hotel we stayed in (which will remain nameless) was very worthy of its extravagant 2 star status on yelp. Not only did the A/C not work, the front door kept opening on its own; oh and the toilet was pretty much just a hole in the floor. I almost had to help Cliff up off the ground after he used it. We got to Mono Lake and were a little bummed that we hadn’t gotten there sooner, because we missed some great Milky Way images by about 20 minutes. It was so nice that you could see the Milky Way with your naked eye; and that is the only thing Ill permit Cliff to having naked this entire trip! After we set up and did some light painting of the Tufas we waited for the sun to come up. I have to admit I was a tad disappointed in the sunrise, but we still got some good images.

We left Mono Lake and headed for breakfast; in case anyone is wondering 6:30 in the morning is too early for the town of Lee Vining because they didn’t have a single place open, not even the gas station. After we finally found some where to eat we headed on the longest drive ever on the longest road ever (ok that may be a slight exaggeration, but I doubt it). Anyways after what seemed like forever we finally reached Las Vegas.

Tomorrow we will be headed out to Red Rock Canyon and then we have a light painting workshop with Dave Black. I really hope you enjoy our images and we look forward to having you back tomorrow!


P.S. I wanted to introduce you to our travel buddies; Jayne and Mycroft. Look for more images of this handsome duo.



We have named this trip the Epic Photo Tour and so far it is living up to its name.  I have taken a few hundred images and I can’t wait to share them.  I can’t believe how much fun this is and I am looking forward to the next five-plus days despite our lack of sleep and Scotty complaining about my DJ skills.




Love the pics, sounds like a short/creepy night, day 2 made up for the creepy night, wish I was having a fun photo trip, can't wait to see more pics and I bet Jayne uses the men's room!
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