Azores Trip 2018 Day 3

July 01, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

Day 3


Well once again we started our day off late, but mostly because it was hard to move. Once we finally got moving we headed to the pharmacy to try and get me some drugs... ya that didn’t work so well mostly because the lady had no idea what our English named drugs were so we gave up. I guess Motrin and Tylenol will just have to do. 


We then headed up to do some sight seeing. We first stopped at Algarve do carvao which was a cool cave created by a volcanic eruption. Once I got to the bottom I realized the huge mistake I made because now I had to climb back up every single step; my non existent asthma started kicking in about half way up.


Next we headed to furnas do enxio which are natural sulfur plums coming out of the ground. The scenery was absolutely gorgeous, but honestly do they not have escalators in this country?! We continued to drive and check the country side. This place is absolutely gorgeous! We stopped in Biscoitos to check out the man made pools. The ocean was pretty rough so they weren’t letting anyone in, not that I could climb out of there if I wanted to after getting in.


We stopped at this place to eat called Caneta. Honestly you would never know it was a restaurant. It looked like an old liquor store until we walked in and then I was completely shocked!! The food was amazing of course. And then we drove back to the house. The views there are truly amazing. I threw the drone up a few times, but it was to windy so I’ll try again tomorrow. Luckily it only takes 40 mins to circle the island so I can make many trips back.


We got home around 10 pm, I iced my back while we all sat in the living room and reminisced about my grandma and the other visits we had here. Hanan decided she would play a word search game on her phone since she had no idea what we were talking about and of course sucked us all into playing so we all ended up playing a fierce game of Word Crossy instead of reminiscing; it’s amazing how stupid you feel when you can’t come up with the correct 3 letter word combination.


After conquering that damn game we got ready and headed back to the festival. Hung out a little by the marina and then found this band performing. Everyone in the crowd seemed to know who they were except for us so we just called him “The Portuguese Pit Bull” the lead singer looked exactly like him. They actually weren’t that bad. I had never heard “Reggae Portuguese” music in my entire life, but it was hot!


After a long intermission these four people showed up on stage one dressed as Mario, one dressed as a Ghostbuster, one as Indian Jones and I have absolutely no idea what the last one was supposed to be but he was wearing a Christmas sweater, my guess is that they were supposed to be the “DJs”... anyways they started off by playing some 80s music which I’m completely down with, but things escalated quickly when we went from I want to dance with somebody to I’ll do anything for you. And two random ass people got up on stage and did some interesting rendition of something from what I can only describe as a dance from Dirty Dancing. Immediately after they were done “making love” on stage the “DJs” mixed right into MC Hammers Can’t Touch This obviously the only choice after that fiasco.... so our little group consisted of myself, my brother Brian, my sister Marlene, my brother-in-law Rome, my god daughter Sarah and our new bomb ass house mate Hanan... well I tell you all this because while all these American songs were playing we were singing very loudly and dancing along and everyone else in the crowd (the Portuguese people) had no idea what to think or how we knew all the words... then all of a sudden they played a song that turned the tables... we were lost and everyone else was rocking out; needless to say it was a hilarious state of affairs. As we continued to rock out my sister tried to snap chat a picture of her and my god daughter; anyways some guy tried to creep up and get in the picture so Hanan grabbed the phone and with the pen on snap chat scratched out the weirdos face and then continued to show him the new image... he wasn’t very impressed by her photoshop skills, but I found them fantastic!!


When we thought things couldn’t get any worse Christmas sweater guy comes on stage and covers some songs; the only reason I knew he was covering them was that he was reading the lyrics off his cell phone while singing to the crowd. So my only guess is that we were witnessing Portuguese karaoke at its finest. Needless to say we all looked at each other and in unison said “wtf is happening right now?”. 


So the entire time all of this was going on they were playing random videos on these big screens in the background; we knew it was time to go when topless women and umpalumpa midgets hit the screen. 


As we started to leave this new DJ came on and she was off the hook! So of course we couldn’t leave. Everyone danced their asses off; well I performed more of a crippled shuffle but it still worked out. We closed the place down and left the feistas as 5 am... headed home to ice my back and head to bed.


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