The Azores Trip 2018 Day 7

July 05, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

Day 7


Well our day actually started off at a normal time. We headed down to the bus station so we could take a bus 90 mins to the city if Fatima. If you know anything about Portuguese Catholic religion you know that Our a lady of Fatima is very important; well we went to the location of where she came and spoke to the three little children. Anyways we visited that holy place and it was amazing! Very sombre and incredible. 


There were people there who have prayed to her to help their sick children or to help themselves with an ailment. Once their prayer is answered they come here and they crawl on their knees from the entrance to the church which is a very very long way on marble the entire time praying to thank her for answering their prayers. Like I said it was a site to be seen. It really was an amazing place to visit.

After that we walked back to the bus station and got on the bus and my sister and aunt decided they wanted to practice for their UFC fight and got into with some other people on the bus. Luckily no blows were had; I saw it and knowing my family I just put my headphones in and fell asleep.  It was difficult to sit on that bus the whole time with my back, but good music makes everything better.


We headed back to the house to change before dinner. I walked down the street to the local market looking for some Ice or ice packs or something; I didn’t find any of that but I did find a whole plucked chicken I could take back for 8 euros, which I thought was a steal at twice the price. After I got back with a bottle of water instead of ice we took a cab ride to dinner. I have to tell you the lack of give-a-shit about laws here is unbelievable. People just stop in the middle of the road and park their cars and leave! I’m honestly surprised there aren’t more accidents here how quickly and with out care people change lanes here. We finally got to the restaurant and everyone lived; surprisingly. I kept staring at my driving thinking he was going to have a hard attack or die from old age right there behind the wheel!

Dinner was at Irish and Co.; yes everything here is in English too.


After dinner we headed back downtown to the strip and had some desert. Watched a drug deal go down that was really interesting; the guy seemed really scared and the dealer was scolding him the whole time. We grabbed desert and headed home; we were all pretty tired.


We decided to sit down and play Kings cup (well a modified version because we didn’t have alcohol at the house). Anyways we laughed so hard the entire time we played. If you know anything about that game there is a chance to make new rules; well my rule was everyone had to talk in an Indian accent and Sarah’s rule, well one of them she had plenty of ridiculous ones, was that you had to wink after everything you said. Well we played for about 2 hours pissing off the neighbors I’m sure. We then got hungry and I decided to walk across the street to this tiny pizzeria that was only open from 6pm-2am... it was so good! Finally pizza that compared to the US. After that we called it a night; well a morning and went to bed.


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